
Hello and welcome to Math 103!


The website you are at right now will be the primary source of information for our class, so save this link! You can find all class assignments, blog posts, and resources along the top menu bar. The sidebar at the left has links to our key online tools, as well as filters for viewing blog posts by project category or author.

Please note that we will not be using Canvas at all in this class, which means that I will not see any messages that you post there. If you need to contact me please send me an email with “MATH 103” as part of the subject line.

Structure and content

Our explorations of mathematics in this course will be supported by 3D printing and design in the JMU 3SPACE Classroom. This will be a highly digital course and we will be using the internet as our primary textbook. We will also make use of online collaboration and publication tools, and use 3D design software and coding to create and explore mathematical objects. Main topics will include fractals and the fourth dimension, but we may also investigate puzzles, knots, polyhedra, graph theory, computational geometry, topology, squircles, splines, or whatever we find interesting.

Required materials

There are two required books for the course that should each cost around $10:

If you keep your 3D prints small in this class then you should not need to purchase any filament for the machines. However, if you choose to print larger items, or a large number of items, or to print with dissolvable support material, then you may be required to contribute a roll of filament to the classroom (about $50).