Today we’ll watch the PolyBowls video to get started with OpenSCAD:
Make and print a polybowl:
- Open a new file in OpenSCAD (download here if you want it on your own machine)
- Copy and paste the code in the description of the video into a new OpenSCAD file
- Experiment with modifying the code, then press “F5” to view the outcome
- When you’re ready, press “F6” to generate a 3D model and then File/Export to STL to save
- Slice in Cura as usual and print!
Your homework is to make 10 forms in OpenSCAD; try out some of the links on the OpenSCAD Tutorials and Links page to learn about new tools and techniques.
// simple custom polybowl
/* [Size] */
// width of the bowl (in mm)
diameter = 32;
radius = diameter/2;
// height of the main part (in mm)
bodyHeight = 50;
// height of the base and lower rim (in mm)
baseHeight = 1;
// height of the upper rim (in mm)
rimHeight = 1;
/* [Style] */
// number of polygon sides
sides = 5;
// thickness of the bowl (keep above 1.5 mm)
thickness = 1.5;
// degrees that the bowl shape will twist
bodyTwist = 36;
// factor by which bowl shape will scale out/in
bodyFlare = 1.8;
// base
linear_extrude( height = baseHeight )
polyShape( solid=”yes” );
// body
linear_extrude( height = bodyHeight, twist = bodyTwist,
scale = bodyFlare, slices = 2*bodyHeight )
polyShape( solid=”no” ); // change to yes for solid bowl
// rim
linear_extrude( height = rimHeight )
polyShape( solid=”no” ); // change to yes for solid bowl
module polyShape(solid){
// start with outer shape
offset( r=5, $fn=48 )
circle( r=radius, $fn=sides );
// take away inner shape
if (solid==”no”){
offset( r=5-thickness, $fn=48 )
circle( r=radius, $fn=sides );