Portfolio Outline

Copy the text of this post and paste it into a new post of your own. Then fill in the sections according to the checklists before the deadlines. Please build your content out of paragraphs, full sentences, and images, not bulleted lists.

Please note that this Portfolio makes up the bulk of your grade for this course. You will also complete two group blog posts and a number of peer reviews of your classmates’ posts. See the Calendar for more information.


10 points, due by noon on Thursday 3/14

  • change title to “Your Name Portfolio” (use your name or online alias)
  • landscape photo included here (set to full size)
  • 1-2 paragraph introduction of yourself and your 3d printing experience or goals
  • create a Thingiverse account and link to your Thingiverse page
  • select “Student Portfolios” category in the right sidebar
  • set same photo as featured image (right sidebar)
  • verify that photo and excerpt work well on Student Portfolio post page
  • delete these bullet points and the “10 points” line and the paragraphs above this section 🙂

Thingiverse Model

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 3/14

  • choose something from Thingiverse to 3D print (something small and simple)
  • include title, designer, link, and main image from the Thingiverse “Thing”
  • why did you choose this model?
  • don’t forget to delete the “10 points” part

Thingiverse Print

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 3/19

  • landscape photo of your printed model
  • discuss if success/failure and thoughts about the print
  • post a “Make” on Thingiverse with image and JMU3SPACE tag
  • link both ways – from this post to the Make, and from the Make to this post

20 Forms in Tinkercad

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 3/19

  • include screenshots of your 20 forms, in groups of 7-10 objects
  • briefly describe the designs in your screenshots and how you made them
  • try out as many Tinkercad tools as possible
  • use Lessons, our Tutorial page, and/or YouTube tutorials to learn more tools
    (Align, Group, Hole, Workplane, Ruler, Shape Scripts, Control-D, SVG, STL)

Tinkercad Print

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 3/21

  • landscape photo of your printed model
  • discuss if success/failure and thoughts about the print

Summary of Group Tinkercad Project

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 3/28

  • give the title of your project and the name of your group partner
  • include a link to your group post for this model and to the model on Thingiverse
  • write 3-4 sentences describing this project and your reflections on it
  • include a landscape photo of your final project print

20 Forms in Fusion 360

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 4/2

  • include screenshots of your 20 forms, in groups of 7-10 objects
  • briefly describe the designs in your screenshots and how you made them
  • try out as many Fusion 360 tools as possible
  • use Tutorial page and/or YouTube tutorials to learn more tools
    (Sketch, Extrude, Pipe, Sweep, Fillet, Loft, Constraints, etc)

Fusion 360 Print

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 4/4

  • landscape photo of your printed model
  • discuss if success/failure and thoughts about the print

Fusion 360 Vase Design

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 4/9

  • include at least two screenshots of your design process in Fusion 360
  • describe your design process and any techniques shown in the screenshots
  • discuss how your final design goes beyond the basic design in the video

Fusion 360 Vase Prints

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 4/9

  • include at least one landscape photo of your small vase demo
  • include at least one quality landscape photo of your finished print
  • discuss if success/failure and thoughts about the print
  • post your model on Thingiverse with JMU3SPACE tag, and links both ways

20 Forms in OpenSCAD

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 4/11

  • include screenshots of your 20 forms, in groups of 7-10 objects
  • briefly describe the designs in your screenshots and how you made them
  • try out as many OpenSCAD tools as possible
  • use OpenSCAD documentation, our Tutorial page and/or YouTube tutorials
    (parameters, linear_extrude, rotate_extrude, for loops, if…else, ternary, etc)

OpenSCAD Print

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 4/16

  • landscape photo of your printed model
  • discuss if success/failure and thoughts about the print

Summary of Group OpenSCAD Project

10 points, due by noon on Thursday 4/25

  • give the title of your project and the name of your group partner
  • include a link to your group post for this model and to the model on Thingiverse
  • write 3-4 sentences describing this project and your reflections on it
  • include one or more landscape photos of your final project prints

Reflections and Future Projects

10 points, due by noon on Tuesday 4/30

  • write a paragraph reflecting on your work during this course
  • write a paragraph on future 3D printing projects you might someday want to do
  • make sure all sections above are completed, as well as your group project posts
  • great job, you are done!