Flying Pig 3D Print

Flying Pig

  • Group Members: Chris Traynor and Thiha (Wayne) Aung
  • We are going to create a 3D model of a flying pig. Our flying pig is a cartoon character with a jetpack on it as well as a helmet for protection of course.
  • The reason behind our model is simple. We just want to print our favorite fantasy animal and in order to differentiate ourselves from the other models on tinkercad, we decided to go with a jetpack on our flying pig rather than the traditional bird wings.
  • As we had some hand-on experiences on Tinkercad website creating some models, we want to challenge ourselves to design the model that we have never done before. We knew that it will be hard and we will try out best to get our 3D print.
  • We will also have to play around with some of the tools from Tinkercad in order to model our flying pig. Watching some tutorials from youtube and reading some guidelines from the class website will help us learn some techniques while creating our model.

Design Iteration

  • The only two issues that came up during the design were in the hooves and the nostrils of the pig. It was difficult to properly line the hove up in the center of the leg, but that was solved by manually typing in how far up to move the object, as seen in the picture below. The nostrils were difficult as well when it came to making them pop out from the nose. In order to fix this issue, the object was raised slightly to make it more visible.

First Draft Print

  • The first attempt at printing the pig turned out to be a failure due to the absence of a gradient layer at the bottom. It is probable that the jet pack was not as stable as originally thought or the generated supports were the ones causing problems, but non the less the second attempt with both generated support and the gradient layer turned out great, as seen in the above picture. The only aspect that would need to be changed are the pupils and the nostrils might need to be raised slightly in tinkercad in order to make them more pronounced and visible. Other than that, the print was more successful than what was expected.

Additional Design Iteration

  • The first aspect to change was the ears. The issue was they were too thin and after the print was finished, one the ears broke off so the solution was to simply make them thicker. The other issue was the visibility of the nostrils (one could not even see them on the nose). The fix was instead of making them two cylinders on the nose, they were changed into holes so hopefully this will make more of an impression on the pig.

Final Print

  • After all the additional design iterations, we have successfully printed the final print of our flying pig. We doubled the size of our printing, therefore, we can see more detailed on our pig. It is more difficult to cut out the support if the printed object is small. As we printed bigger, we resolved this issue but it takes more time.