Thurs 4/18 – Customization

After presenting your code today, we’ll work on making it customizable for Thingiverse users.

The goal is to identify the key parameters of your design that you want a person to be able to modify, and then to determine appropriate ranges and/or values for those parameters. You need to make the design customizable/personalizable in an interesting way, but at the same time keep things restricted enough that the user can’t break the design by playing around with the modifiable parameters.

Check out the OpenSCAD Tutorials page for information about the Thingiverse Customizer. And, most importantly, the Customizer Documentation.

One cool thing in the documentation is a little window where you can test live code and see what the Customizer will do with it. This screenshot from that tool shows some of the top things you might want to do with the Customizer (or click it to go to the documentation and try things yourself):

Here is what it looks like to embed code into an article:

width = 40;
length = 20;
height = width/2;


And here is something that will show you how to use text in Customizer: