Getting Started with OpenSCAD

Learning OpenSCAD

Thingiverse Customizer

The Thingiverse Customizer allows designers to create 3D models that other users can easily personalize. Customizable models allow the user to control the style, features, and details of the design.


Finding Customizable designs: Some Things on Thingiverse have customizable features such as size, shape, pattern, and text that you can modify. Customizable models let you be the designer, even if you’re new to 3D printing. To find customizable Things, choose Customizable Things from the Explore tab, type tag:customizable in the Search box, or check out the Customizer page.

Working with a Customizable design: Once you’ve found a customizable Thing, press the Open in Customizer button to open the Customizer app. Change the values and parameters on the left side of the screen, and watch the model get updated on the right. When you’re done just press Create Thing to generate your final design.

Creating your own Customizable design: All of the Customizer designs on Thingiverse were created with OpenSCAD code. To see the code for any customizable Thing, just click View Source from the Customizer app. To learn how to create your own Customizable designs, read the Customizer Documentation page.


Some content on this page was taken directly from Thingiverse Jumpstart, but that’s okay because I wrote that page too 🙂