The Geography Team
Hey y’all! I’m Anastacia Martin, a (transfer) Junior and a Hospitality Management & Business Administration major. I’m big on organization, planning, and networking. I’m the one that consolidates information that’s gathered and make it all pretty. For this project, after having all the information, I am the main presenter and supporter. We all struggle with a course at some point in our life; I am interested in helping students figure out how to ideally grasp a concept to help them study..
Hi, I am Dandan Li, Junior Accounting major. I am an international student coming from China. In the group, I am responsible for the collecting the thoughts, posting blogs and making sure that are presented accurately. With that being said, for our group project, I am more so of another researcher and also the IT.
Hello, I’m Gabriella Huelsman, a Junior International Affairs major. My part in this big project is chief coordinator and communicator with our “outside the classroom” mentors and participating faculty. Furthermore, I take on the role of tinkerer!
Our team is thrilled about the 3D Education project as it is a topic that is near and dear to our heart!