Getting Started
Creating models for kids and students to use to help them develop useful ways to understand complex material in a specific course. We want students to be able to have a better understanding with the subjects that they are having difficulty with. Right now, we are waiting on feedback from our contacts about having their permission to schedule appointments to come talk with them and their classes to help give us insight on what strategy we would need to take.
In order for the group to start the actual design part of this project, we’re needing to reach out to our contacts for insight and to schedule appointments with the professors/ class. Then, stop by the hospital and see if we can pick up an MRI/CT scan so we can possibly attempt our human anatomy scan piece. If that fails, moving on to Plan B and that is to come up with a molecular design for our model.We think designing something for education would definitely be helpful to students and instructors. The only thing is: figuring out what isn’t already made. We’re going to the hospital in hopes of getting our hands on an MRI/CT scan. If we are able to, we’re going to go ahead and start a scan and then design a model with attachable pieces. We know that our classroom (nor JMU) doesn’t have the software to extract the detail we need to create our design. So that’s a con to this as well.. We’re keeping our fingers crossed about the scan.Continue contacting department heads and schedule appointments with professor and/or classes Print an example off thingiverse-education to show our contacts and those we are receiving feedback from what is in our capabilities to create.
In the event that we aren’t able to receive a scan, we’re going to sit down and meet about our potential ideas before our meetings with the Education department. We as a team know that students struggle now in english (elementary/middle school) especially with grammar, geometry, anatomy, and history.
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